The Design Interviews (“DI”) interviewed Mohamad Montazeri (“MM”) about his innovation, “DrumString”. You can read the interview below.
“DI: What is the main principle, idea and inspiration behind your design?
MM : DrumString is a new instrument I invented. New instrument with new sound and new playing method. This instrument is the result of combining two important families of instruments. Combining the family of percussion and string instruments in a creative way. The shape of the product, which is similar to a shield, actually allows it to be placed and held comfortably while playing. For the DrumString player, the experience of playing is a whole new, completely different and engaging experience. An instrument that can be played as a guitar and as a percussion instrument. A new experience in playing, with a new sound and a completely different look.
DI: What has been your main focus in designing this work? Especially what did you want to achieve?
MM : This product is a new instrument and its invention and design has brought me many challenges. Meanwhile, my most important concern during this design process was the result of the final sound of the instrument. It is interesting to know that in designing the form and appearance of DrumString, I used the most obsession I have ever had in designing my products and now I am completely satisfied with it.
DI: What are your future plans for this award winning design?
MM : Bring this product to mass production and introducing it to the whole world even more than now. This instrument has a chance to be in the house of all people who are interested in playing an instrument and music. This instrument has a great potential to attend concerts all over the world with any culture and taste.
DI: How long did it take you to design this particular concept?
MM : The process was time consuming. More than 2 years were spent designing and building this instrument. But the original idea was formed several years ago.
DI: Why did you design this particular concept? Was this design commissioned or did you decide to pursuit an inspiration?
MM : In addition to design, I am also interested in music and I play various instruments, and sometimes I also compose and record my iron songs. The idea of inventing DrumString came to my mind for this reason. The interest in playing various instruments on the one hand and the need to produce new and varied sounds on the other hand made me think of inventing this instrument.
DI: Is your design being produced or used by another company, or do you plan to sell or lease the production rights or do you intent to produce your work yourself?
MM : I am currently upgrading this instrument to higher levels of sound quality which is coming to an end soon. Then I will think about and respond to the offers I have received for production.
DI: What made you design this particular type of work?
MM : I am very interested in designing musical instruments.
DI: Where there any other designs and/or designers that helped the influence the design of your work?
MM : Naturally, I needed to study different instruments to design this instrument, and I gathered a lot of information about different instruments and playing them. Especially string instruments and percussion instruments. All of this, along with my personal experience in music, as well as getting advice from various musicians, eventually led to the design of DrumString.
DI: Who is the target customer for his design?
MM : Musicians, composers and music lovers.
DI: What sets this design apart from other similar or resembling concepts?
MM : This instrument is an invented instrument and has not existed before. It has many differences with other instruments and is not comparable because it is not similar. But in general, deconstruction and creativity in the design of this instrument is unique.
DI: How did you come up with the name for this design? What does it mean?
MM : As I said before, this instrument is a combination of two percussion and string instruments. Therefore, I made its name by combining the names of these two instruments. So “DrumString” is a combination of the two words “Drum” referring to percussion instruments and the word “String” referring to stringed instruments.
DI: Which design tools did you use when you were working on this project?
MM : 3D modeling software, presentation, simulation and vibration and sound analysis software, metal tools and machines, Modeling System for Metal, and many software tools and Other hardware.
DI: What is the most unique aspect of your design?
MM : New and different instrument with a unique appearance, with a new playing method and a new and different sound.
DI: Who did you collaborate with for this design? Did you work with people with technical / specialized skills?
MM : In designing and making this instrument, I consulted with instrumentalists as well as musicians of various instruments, and after making it, I performed many acoustic tests and acoustic analyzes with the help of relevant experts.
DI: What is the role of technology in this particular design?
MM : In this project, technology played a very important role in the manufacturing sector.
DI: Is your design influenced by data or analytical research in any way? What kind of research did you conduct for making this design?
MM : DrumString design has been one of my most costly and time consuming projects to date. A large part of this time and money was spent collecting information on various instruments, their playing and sounding methods, and analyzing this information. After making samples and models, various acoustic analyzes were performed on the models and in the end, the final product was tested many times.
DI: What are some of the challenges you faced during the design/realization of your concept?
MM : The most important ones were the challenges related to the acoustic part of the body, the sound and the notes, which took a lot of time, but in the end I overcame this challenge and I am very satisfied with the result.
DI: How did you decide to submit your design to an international design competition?
MM : My interest in various challenges, including the challenge of competing with other designers around the world, led me to participate in this competition.
DI: What did you learn or how did you improve yourself during the designing of this work?
MM : Every challenge had lessons for me to learn, and this project has had many challenges and lessons for me, some of which have been related to acoustics.
DI: Any other things you would like to cover that have not been covered in these questions?
MM : I think the interview was complete and you mentioned everything. Thank you for this interview.”
Also, you can read the interview here.
And, for more information about the DrumString, see this page.
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